最近瘋狂迷上荷蘭類哥德金屬 Within Temptation,尤其迷戀女主唱Sharon den Adel的歌聲無法自拔。

他們有很多作品都深俱水準而且動聽,特別推薦一首05年「The Silent Force」專輯中金屬比較少,靠管弦樂烘托氣勢的「somewhere」。



它的歌詞很好懂而且很美,尤其特別喜歡「Instead there is only silence,Can't you hear my screams?」以及「I'll keep on trying until my dying day.」二句。
Sharon den Adel唱來充滿靈性和無盡的深沉哀痛,這種近似交響gothic的唱腔和曲風完全是我無法抗拒的。或許它不那麼gothic,甚至後期被樂團迷批為跟pop走的太近,但絕不損它煽動淚珠的魔力。這首「somewhere」跟「our farewell」不同,後者是直覺式的訴說,前者像躲在雲端最上層但偷偷勾住你。



Lost in the darkness, hoping for a sign. Instead there is only silence, Can't you hear my screams?

Never stop hoping, Need to know where you are, But one thing is for sure, You're always in my heart.

I'll find you somewhere. I'll keep on trying until my dying day.

I just need to know whatever it's happened, The truth will free my soul.

Lost in the darkness, try to find your way home. I want to embrace you and never let you go.

Almost hope you're in heaven so no one can hurt your soul. Living in agony cause I just do not know Where you are.

I'll find you somewhere. I'll keep on trying until my dying day.

I just need to know whatever it's happened, The truth will free my soul.

Wherever you are, I won't stop searching. Whatever it takes, I need to know.

I'll find you somewhere. I'll keep on trying until my dying day.

I just need to know whatever it's happened, The truth will free my soul.



淺聊 Within Temptation 專輯「Mother Earth」

淺聊 within temptation 專輯「the heart of everything」

within temptation --- 「 Our Farewell 」



Within Temptation - Somewhere  (無官方MV)

Within Temptation - Somewhere  (音質較佳)

(轉貼自 http://podcast.blog.webs-tv.net/m/2255919  )



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